About Justyna Pińkowska

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So far Justyna Pińkowska has created 352 blog entries.

Seminars on Evolution, Ecology & Behaviour

06.06.2018 We’re pleased to announce next SEEB. The lecture entitled “Corn bunting's dialects in a highly fragmented habitat” will be given by Anne-Laure Geboes (University of Liege). When: 06.06.2018, 12:15 Where: Collegium Biologicum, Mała Aula

Seminars on Evolution, Ecology & Behaviour

30.05.2018 We’re pleased to announce next SEEB. The lecture entitled “Trade-offs between pathogen resistance and autoimmunity shape genomic variability of MHC immune genes” will be given by Tobias Lenz (Max Planck Institute). When: 30.05.2018, 12:15 Where: Collegium Biologicum, Mała Aula

Seminars on Evolution, Ecology & Behaviour

23.05.2018 We’re pleased to announce next SEEB. The lecture entitled "Reproductive strategies and their health consequnces in African arboreal primate" will be given by Małgorzata Arlet (Institute of Antrhopology UAM). When: 23.05.2018, 12:15 Where: Collegium Biologicum, Mała Aula

2021-12-22T06:34:45+01:00May 22nd, 2018|Archive, Archive 2018|

Media about the research conducted in our Institute

Polish Press Agency, The Polish Society for the Protection of Birds, and  Journal of Animal Ecology write about research of cooperative team of Population Ecology Lab and Charles University in Prague. The research is about avoiding competition in sibling species of birds. http://naukawpolsce.pap.pl/aktualnosci/news,28896,konkurencja-w-stylu-slowika.html https://otop.org.pl/2018/03/22/mechanizmy-unikania-konkurencji-u-blisko-spokrewnionych-gatunkow-mppl/ https://journalofanimalecology.wordpress.com/2018/03/21/how-do-birds-avoid-their-sibling-species-competitors/

2018-04-12T18:29:27+02:00April 8th, 2018|Media about us, Media about us|

Publication in Journal of Animal Ecology

The article by Lechosław Kuczyński and Anna Skoracka (Population Ecology Lab) and cooperators from the Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic was published in the Journal of Animal Ecology. The study shows how birds avoid their sibling-species competitors. Data were collected by skilled volunteers within the Common Breeding Bird Survey in Poland. The link to [...]

2018-04-12T18:31:53+02:00April 8th, 2018|Publications|

Publication in New Phytologist

In "New Phytologist" journal  the article co-authored by Michał Bogdziewicz (Department of Systematic Zoology) entitled "Correlated seed failure as an environmental veto to synchronize reproduction of masting plants" was published. What Michał talks about the research: Variable, synchronized seed production, called masting, is a widespread reproductive strategy in plants. Numerous ideas were proposed to explain [...]

2021-12-22T06:34:46+01:00March 30th, 2018|Publications|

Publication in Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology

The article by Natalia Olejnik, Zbigniew Celka and Piotr Szkudlarz (Department of Plant Taxonomy) and Myroslava V. Shevera (M. G. Kholodny Institute of Botany, NAS of Ukraine) was published in “Review of Paleobotany and Palynology”. The article focuses on the taxonomical importance of morphological traits of spores in the family Ophioglossaceae (Psilotopsida). https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0034666717302075

2018-03-28T12:13:55+02:00March 28th, 2018|Publications|

Research of prof. Jacek Radwan team published in PNAS

The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is one of the most polymorphic gene families in the vertebrate genome, with natural selection actively promoting and maintaining variability. The exact mechanism/mechanisms responsible for these characteristics re-main unclear, but identifying them is fundamental to our understanding of host–pathogen dynamics. Using targeted crosses of the model Trinidadian guppy, a tractable [...]

2021-12-22T06:34:48+01:00January 18th, 2018|Archive, Archive 2018, Publications|

Seminars on Evolution, Ecology & Behaviour

10.01.2018 We’re pleased to announce next SEEB. The lecture entitled "Masting in trees: interactive effects of pollination, resources and weather" will be given by Michał Bogdziewicz (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland & University Autonoma de Barcelona). When: 10.01.2018, 12:15 Where: Collegium Biologicum, Mała Aula

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