About Justyna Pińkowska

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So far Justyna Pińkowska has created 352 blog entries.

Cyanobacteria in Chara-lakes: publication in Ecological Indicators

Cyanobacteria are a constant component of phytoplankton of lakes with different trophic status including lakes representing habitat 3140 Hard oligo-mesotrophic waters with benthic vegetation of Chara spp. In an article in Ecological Indicators Aleksandra Pełechata, Mariusz Pełechaty (Department of Hydrobiology) and Andrzej Pukacz (Polish-German Research Institute, Collegium Polonicum) compared the cyanobacteria community structure of four Chara-lakes: [...]

2017-05-07T18:53:27+02:00December 17th, 2016|Archive, Archive 2016, Publications|

Ministry of Science and Higher Education scholarship

Masters student of our Institute, Michał Brzozowski (environmental protection), has been awarded a scholarship from the Minister of Science and Higher Education for outstanding achievements for the academic year 2016/2017. Congratulations!

2021-12-22T06:34:57+01:00December 17th, 2016|Archive, Archive 2016, Prizes and awards|

Publication in the Ecological Indicators: new data on the functional significance of algae mats

Studies carried out by Marta Pikosz, Beata Messyasz and Maciej Gąbka (Department of Hydrobiology, AMU in Poznań) show growth patterns and distinct ecological niches of species that form mats of algae in freshwaters. Studies have shown spatial variability of densities and biophysical features of monospecies mats created by Cladophora glomerata. These results [...]

2021-12-22T06:34:57+01:00December 15th, 2016|Archive, Archive 2016, Publications|

Seminars on Ecology, Evolution & Behaviour

14.12.2016 SEMINAR ON EVOLUTION, ECOLOGY & BEHAVIOUR: We're pleased to announce next SEEB. The lecture entitled "TO BE OR NOT TO BE A SLAG? A LESSON FROM FLOUR BEETLES" will be given by Łukasz Michalczyk (Jagiellonian University) Wednsday, Dec 14th, 12.15, Room A

Polish-American Freedom Foundation scholarship

PhD student of our Institute, Natalia Królikowska, as the first on the ranking list was awarded the Polish-American Freedom Foundation "PhDo" scholarship for PhD students which cooperate with non-governmental organizations within PhD projects. Natalia was awarded for her PhD project: “Factors influencing numbers and distribution of the Montagu’s harrier in Poland” (more information can be [...]

2021-12-22T06:34:59+01:00December 10th, 2016|Archive, Archive 2016, Prizes and awards|

Publication in Molecular Ecology Resources: New generation sequencing makes it possible to characterize the immense diversity of co-amplifying immune genes in wild vertebrates

Characterisation of highly duplicated genes, such as those of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC), remains a challenging task, yet these genes play a crucial role in coevolution of parasites with their hosts, and may affect the susceptibility of endangered species to disease. In a recent article in Molecular Ecology Resources (link) A. Sebastian, M. [...]

2021-12-22T06:35:00+01:00December 7th, 2016|Archive, Archive 2016, Publications|

Seminars on Ecology, Evolution & Behaviour

30.11.2016 119th SEMINAR ON EVOLUTION, ECOLOGY & BEHAVIOUR: The lecture entitled „Daphnia against climate change - old threats, new quality” will be given by Marcin Dziuba (Department of Hydrobiology, AMU, Poznań, Poland) When: 30.11.2016, 12:15-14:00 Where: Collegium Biologicum, Mała Aula

Seminars on Ecology, Evolution & Behaviour

23.11.2016 118th SEMINAR ON EVOLUTION, ECOLOGY & BEHAVIOUR: The lecture entitled „Spatio-temporal dynamics of pollen in the air: the role of production, release and dispersion” will be given by Łukasz Grewling (Aeropalynology Lab, AMU, Poznań, Poland) When: 23.11.2016, 12:00-14:00 Where: Collegium Biologicum, Mała Aula

The conservation of nature in Mozambique in times of war. The study of biodiversity in the Gorongosa National Park

Open lecture – 16 November 2016 We invite to open lecture entitled „The conservation of nature in Mozambique in times of war. The study of biodiversity in the Gorongosa National Park.”which will be given by Marek Bakowski (Department of Systematic Zoology AMU) 16.11.2016, Collegium Biologicum, Aula, 17.30. The lecture will be enriched with the pictures [...]

Publication in Journal of Ecology

The work done by Michał Bogdziewicz and Rafał Zwolak (both from Department of Systematic Zoology, Institute of Environmental Biology) in cooperation with Elizabeth E. Crone (Tufts University) and Michael A. Steele (Wilkes University): on the effects of chronic nitrogen fertilization on plant reproduction has been accepted in Journal of Ecology. Anthropogenic global changes such as [...]

2021-12-22T06:35:02+01:00October 4th, 2016|Archive, Archive 2017, Publications|
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