Seminars on Evolution, Ecology & Behaviour

12.04.2017 We’re pleased to announce next SEEB. The lecture entitled "The host-parasite arms race in guppies" will be given by Karl Philips (Evolutionary Biology Group, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland) When: 12.04.2017, 12:15 Where: Collegium Biologicum, Mała Aula

Seminars on Evolution, Ecology & Behaviour

5.04.2017 We’re pleased to announce next SEEB. The lecture entitled "The meaning of beauty. On ornaments of the bluethroats” will be given by Stanisław Rusiecki (Department of Behavioural Ekology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland) When: 5.04.2017, 12:15 Where: Collegium Biologicum, Mała Aula

Polish Press Agency about the research conducted in our Institute “Kin selection promotes female productivity and cooperation between the sexes”

Aleksandra Łukasiewcz, Agnieszka Szubert-Kruszyńska i Jacek Radwan (Evolutionary Biology Lab) found that evolution in groups of relatives results in higher reproductive output of females which partly results from the mitigation of the sexual conflict. (published in Science Advances). More about this research can be found here (in Polish).

2017-07-11T18:48:53+02:00March 21st, 2017|Archive, Archive 2017, Media about us|

Seminars on Evolution, Ecology & Behaviour

29.03.2017 We’re pleased to announce next SEEB. The lecture entitled "How individual variation in see-dispersing animals matters for plants” will be given by Rafał Zwolak (Department of Systematic Zoology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland) When: 29.03.2017, 12:15 Where: Collegium Biologicum, Mała Aula

Aggressive signaling in wood warblers: publication in Journal of Avian Biology

A paper by Jakub Szymkowiak and Lechosław Kuczyński (Population Ecology Lab) about signaling function of male song rate during territorial contests in the wood warbler (Phylloscopus sibilatrix) has been published in the current issue of Journal of Avian Biology. Using playback experiments, Authors showed that wood warbler males respond differentially to simulated territorial intrusions depending [...]

2021-12-22T06:34:55+01:00March 10th, 2017|Archive, Archive 2017, Publications|

Seminars on Evolution, Ecology & Behaviour

01.03.2017 We’re pleased to announce next SEEB. The lecture entitled “Information flow in a network of dispersed signallers-receivers” will be given by Konrad Hałupka (Department of Behavioral Ecology, Wrocław University, Poland) When: 01.03.2017, 12:15 Where: Collegium Biologicum, Mała Aula

Seminars on Evolution, Ecology & Behaviour

22.02.2017 We’re pleased to announce next SEEB. The lecture entitled “Telomeres as biomarkers of cost and quality in the Seychelles warbler” will be given by Davida Richardsona (University of East Anglia) When: 22.02.2017, 12:15 Where: Collegium Biologicum, Mała Aula

Seminars on Ecology, Evolution & Behaviour

18.01.2017 123th SEMINAR ON EVOLUTION, ECOLOGY & BEHAVIOUR: The lecture entitled „Molekularna rewolucja w biomonitoringu, czyli plusy i minusy analizy eDNA” will be given by Mirosława Dabert (Laboratory of Molecular Biology Techniques, AMU, Poznań) When: 18.01.2017, 12:15 Where: Collegium Biologicum, Mała Aula

Seminars on Ecology, Evolution & Behaviour

04.01.2017 122th SEMINAR ON EVOLUTION, ECOLOGY & BEHAVIOUR: The lecture entitled „The adaptive value of habitat preferences from a multi-scale spatial perspective: a case study with rallids” will be given by Jan Jedlikowski (Biological and Chemical Research Centre, University of Warsaw) When: 04.01.2017, 12:15 Where: Collegium Biologicum, Mała Aula

Cyanobacteria in Chara-lakes: publication in Ecological Indicators

Cyanobacteria are a constant component of phytoplankton of lakes with different trophic status including lakes representing habitat 3140 Hard oligo-mesotrophic waters with benthic vegetation of Chara spp. In an article in Ecological Indicators Aleksandra Pełechata, Mariusz Pełechaty (Department of Hydrobiology) and Andrzej Pukacz (Polish-German Research Institute, Collegium Polonicum) compared the cyanobacteria community structure of four Chara-lakes: [...]

2017-05-07T18:53:27+02:00December 17th, 2016|Archive, Archive 2016, Publications|
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